Feeling Half Empty
When I started thinking about starting a business, I thought that I would naturally just have the energy each and every day. I thought that I would always believe in my product with no question. I can't be the only one that has those days where they start to doubt themselves and their products, especially poverty level individuals such as myself.
Nobody's going to believe in my work unless I believe in it.. And in order for me to believe in my projects, I have to believe in myself. Easy to say. This is not to suggest that I don't believe in myself, I am just a naturally pessimistic person. Nothing ever goes right for me until I look at my children and realize that the latter statement is just fear of success.
I only see success on TV which is sad. That means that of all of my family and friends, each and every individual is as unhappy with living as I am but they are not ready to die because they need more time. But most still waste valuable time. I think that although success is boasted and bragged about, most people fear it for one very important reason:With great success brings great responsibility. It is far more simpler to be responsible for nothing, and lots of people like simplicity. I am different, though. I crave more responsibility especially for my lifestyle and career, collectively as a working unit So, I am going to refresh my jolly juice and press on. You should too. :-)
Labels: Believing In Yourself, Defeating Odds, Determination, Success
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